Source code for simphony.quantum

"""Module for quantum simulation."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from typing import List, Union

import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jax.typing import ArrayLike
from sax.saxtypes import Model
from sax.utils import get_ports
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from simphony.exceptions import ShapeMismatchError
from simphony.simulation import SimDevice, Simulation, SimulationResult
from simphony.utils import dict_to_matrix, xpxp_to_xxpp, xxpp_to_xpxp

[docs]def plot_mode(means, cov, n=100, x_range=None, y_range=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plots the Wigner function of a single mode state. Parameters ---------- means : ArrayLike The means of the X and P quadratures of the quantum state. For example, a coherent state :math:`\alpha = 3+4i` has means defined as :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4 \\end{bmatrix}'. The shape of the means must be a length of 2. cov : ArrayLike The covariance matrix of the quantum state. For example, all coherent states has a covariance matrix of :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 1/4 & 0 \\ 0 & 1/4 \\end{bmatrix}`. The shape of the matrix must be 2 x 2. n : int The number of points per axis to plot. Default is 100. x_range : tuple The range of the x axis to plot as a tuple, (eg. (-5,5)). Defualt attempts to find the range automatically. y_range : tuple The range of the y axis to plot as a tuple, (eg. (-5,5)). Defualt attempts to find the range automatically. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis to plot on, by default it creates a new figure. **kwargs : Keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.contourf. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if x_range is None: x_range = ( means[0] - 5 * jnp.sqrt(cov[0, 0]), means[0] + 5 * jnp.sqrt(cov[0, 0]), ) if y_range is None: y_range = ( means[1] - 5 * jnp.sqrt(cov[1, 1]), means[1] + 5 * jnp.sqrt(cov[1, 1]), ) x_max = jnp.max(jnp.abs(jnp.array(x_range))) y_max = jnp.max(jnp.abs(jnp.array(y_range))) r_max = jnp.max(jnp.array((x_max, y_max))) x_range = (-r_max, r_max) y_range = (-r_max, r_max) x = jnp.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], n) y = jnp.linspace(y_range[0], y_range[1], n) X, Y = jnp.meshgrid(x, y) pos = jnp.dstack((X, Y)) dist = multivariate_normal(means, cov) pdf = dist.pdf(pos) ax.contourf(X, Y, pdf, **kwargs) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("P") return ax
[docs]class QuantumState(SimDevice): r"""Represents a quantum state in a quantum model as a covariance matrix. All quantum states are represented in the xpxp convention. Parameters ---------- means : ArrayLike The means of the X and P quadratures of the quantum state. For example, a coherent state :math:`\alpha = 3+4i` has means defined as :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4 \\end{bmatrix}'. The shape of the means must be 2 * N. cov : ArrayLike The covariance matrix of the quantum state. For example, all coherent states has a covariance matrix of :math:`\begin{bmatrix} 1/4 & 0 \\ 0 & 1/4 \\end{bmatrix}`. The shape of the matrix must be 2 * N x 2 * N. ports : str or list of str The ports to which the quantum state is connected. Each mode corresponds in order to each port provided. convention : str The convention of the means and covariance matrix. Default is 'xpxp'. """ def __init__( self, means: ArrayLike, cov: ArrayLike, ports: Union[str, List[str]] = None, convention: str = "xpxp", ) -> None: super().__init__(ports) if ports is None: self.N = int(len(means) / 2) else: self.N = len(ports) if means.shape != (2 * self.N,): raise ShapeMismatchError("The shape of the means must be 2 * N.") if cov.shape != (2 * self.N, 2 * self.N): raise ShapeMismatchError( "The shape of the covariance matrix must \ be 2 * N x 2 * N." ) self.means = means self.cov = cov self.convention = convention
[docs] def to_xpxp(self) -> None: """Converts the means and covariance matrix to the xpxp convention.""" if self.convention == "xxpp": self.means = xxpp_to_xpxp(self.means) self.cov = xxpp_to_xpxp(self.cov) self.convention = "xpxp"
[docs] def to_xxpp(self) -> None: """Converts the means and covariance matrix to the xxpp convention.""" if self.convention == "xpxp": self.means = xpxp_to_xxpp(self.means) self.cov = xpxp_to_xxpp(self.cov) self.convention = "xxpp"
[docs] def modes(self, modes: Union[int, List[int]]): """Returns the mean and covariance matrix of the specified modes. Parameters ---------- modes : int or list The modes to return. """ if not hasattr(modes, "__iter__"): modes = [modes] if not all(mode < self.N for mode in modes): raise ValueError("Modes must be less than the number of modes.") modes = jnp.array(modes) inds = jnp.concatenate((modes, (modes + self.N))) if self.convention == "xpxp": means = xpxp_to_xxpp(self.means) cov = xpxp_to_xxpp(self.cov) means = means[inds] cov = cov[jnp.ix_(inds, inds)] means = xxpp_to_xpxp(means) cov = xxpp_to_xpxp(cov) else: means = self.means[inds] cov = self.cov[jnp.ix_(inds, inds)] return means, cov
def _add_vacuums(self, n_vacuums: int): """Adds vacuum states to the quantum state. Parameters ---------- n_vacuums : int The number of vacuum states to add. """ N = self.N + n_vacuums means = jnp.concatenate((self.means, jnp.zeros(2 * n_vacuums))) cov = 0.25 * jnp.eye(2 * N) cov =[: 2 * self.N, : 2 * self.N].set(self.cov) self.means = means self.cov = cov self.N = N def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( super().__repr__() + f"\nConvention: {self.convention}\nMeans: {self.means}\nCov: \n{self.cov}" )
[docs] def plot_mode(self, mode, n=100, x_range=None, y_range=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plots the Wigner function of the specified mode. Parameters ---------- mode : int The mode to plot. n : int The number of points per axis to plot. Default is 100. x_range : tuple The range of the x axis to plot as a tuple, (eg. (-5,5)). Defualt attempts to find the range automatically. y_range : tuple The range of the y axis to plot as a tuple, (eg. (-5,5)). Defualt attempts to find the range automatically. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis to plot on, by default it creates a new figure. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.contourf. """ means, cov = self.modes(mode) return plot_mode(means, cov, n, x_range, y_range, ax, **kwargs)
[docs]def compose_qstate(*args: QuantumState) -> QuantumState: """Combines the quantum states of the input ports into a single quantum state. Parameters ---------- args : QuantumState The quantum states to combine. """ N = 0 mean_list = [] cov_list = [] port_list = [] for qstate in args: qstate.to_xpxp() N += qstate.N mean_list.append(qstate.means) cov_list.append(qstate.cov) port_list += qstate.ports means = jnp.concatenate(mean_list) covs = jnp.zeros((2 * N, 2 * N), dtype=float) left = 0 for qstate in args: rowcol = qstate.N * 2 + left covs =[left:rowcol, left:rowcol].set(qstate.cov) left = rowcol return QuantumState(means, covs, port_list, convention="xpxp")
[docs]class CoherentState(QuantumState): """Represents a coherent state in a quantum model as a covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- port : complex The port to which the coherent state is connected. alpha : str The complex amplitude of the coherent state. """ def __init__(self, port: str, alpha: complex) -> None: self.alpha = alpha self.N = 1 means = jnp.array([alpha.real, alpha.imag]) cov = jnp.array([[1 / 4, 0], [0, 1 / 4]]) ports = [port] super().__init__(means, cov, ports)
[docs]class SqueezedState(QuantumState): """Represents a squeezed state in a quantum model as a covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- port : float The port to which the squeezed state is connected. r : str The squeezing parameter of the squeezed state. phi : float The squeezing phase of the squeezed state. alpha: complex, optional The complex displacement of the squeezed state. Default is 0. """ def __init__(self, port: str, r: float, phi: float, alpha: complex = 0) -> None: self.r = r self.phi = phi self.N = 1 means = jnp.array([alpha.real, alpha.imag]) c, s = jnp.cos(phi / 2), jnp.sin(phi / 2) rot_mat = jnp.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) cov = ( rot_mat
[docs] @ ((1 / 4) * jnp.array([[jnp.exp(-2 * r), 0], [0, jnp.exp(2 * r)]])) @ rot_mat.T ) ports = [port] super().__init__(means, cov, ports)
class TwoModeSqueezedState(QuantumState): """Represents a two mode squeezed state in a quantum model as a covariance matrix. This state is described by three parameters: a two-mode squeezing parameter r, and the two initial thermal occupations n_a and n_b. Parameters ---------- r : float The two-mode squeezing parameter of the two mode squeezed state. n_a : float The initial thermal occupation of the first mode. n_b : float The initial thermal occupation of the second mode. port_a : str The port to which the first mode is connected. port_b : str The port to which the second mode is connected. """ def __init__( self, r: float, n_a: float, n_b: float, port_a: str, port_b: str ) -> None: self.r = r self.n_a = n_a self.n_b = n_b self.N = 2 means = jnp.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) ca = (n_a + 1 / 2) * jnp.cosh(r) ** 2 + (n_b + 1 / 2) * jnp.sinh(r) ** 2 cb = (n_b + 1 / 2) * jnp.cosh(r) ** 2 + (n_a + 1 / 2) * jnp.sinh(r) ** 2 cab = (n_a + n_b + 1) * jnp.sinh(r) * jnp.cosh(r) cov = ( jnp.array( [[ca, 0, cab, 0], [0, cb, 0, cab], [cab, 0, cb, 0], [0, cab, 0, ca]] ) / 2 ) ports = [port_a, port_b] super().__init__(means, cov, ports)
[docs]class ThermalState(QuantumState): """Represents a thermal state in a quantum model as a covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- port : str The port to which the thermal state is connected. nbar : float The thermal occupation or average photon number of the thermal state. """ def __init__(self, port: str, nbar: float) -> None: self.nbar = nbar self.N = 1 means = jnp.array([0, 0]) cov = (2 * nbar + 1) / 4 * jnp.eye(2) ports = [port] super().__init__(means, cov, ports)
[docs]@dataclass class QuantumResult(SimulationResult): """Quantum simulation results.""" s_params: jnp.ndarray input_means: jnp.ndarray input_cov: jnp.ndarray transforms: jnp.ndarray means: jnp.ndarray cov: jnp.ndarray wl: jnp.ndarray n_ports: int
[docs] def state(self, wl_ind: int = 0) -> QuantumState: """Returns the quantum state at a specific wavelength. Parameters ---------- wl_ind : int, optional The wavelength index. Defaults to 0. """ means = self.means[wl_ind] cov = self.cov[wl_ind] return QuantumState(means, cov, convention="xxpp")
[docs]def plot_quantum_result( result: QuantumResult, modes: list = None, wl_ind: int = 0, include_loss_modes=False, ): """Plot the means and covariance matrix of the quantum result. Parameters ---------- result : QuantumResult The quantum simulation result. modes : list, optional The modes to plot. Defaults to all modes. wl_ind : int, optional The wavelength index to plot. Defaults to 0. include_loss_modes : bool, optional Whether to include the loss modes in the plot. Defaults to False. """ # create a grid of plots, a single plot for each mode if modes is None: n_modes = result.n_ports * 2 if include_loss_modes else result.n_ports modes = jnp.linspace(0, int(n_modes) - 1, int(n_modes), dtype=int) n_modes = len(modes) # make subplots into a square grid n_rows = int(n_modes**0.5) n_cols = int(n_modes**0.5) if n_rows * n_cols < n_modes: n_rows += 1 n_cols += 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(10, 10)) axs = axs.flatten() # convert quantum result into quantum state means = result.means[wl_ind] cov = result.cov[wl_ind] for i, mode in enumerate(modes): mode = jnp.array([mode]) inds = jnp.concatenate((mode, (mode + 1))) mu = means[inds] c = cov[jnp.ix_(inds, inds)] ax = axs[i] plot_mode(mu, c, x_range=(-6, 6), y_range=(-6, 6), ax=ax) ax.set_title(f"Mode {mode}") return axs
[docs]class QuantumSim(Simulation): """Quantum simulation. Parameters ---------- ckt : sax.saxtypes.Model The circuit to simulate. wl : ArrayLike The array of wavelengths to simulate (in microns). **params Any other parameters to pass to the circuit. Examples -------- >>> sim = QuantumSim(ckt=mzi, wl=wl, top={"length": 150.0}, bottom={"length": 50.0}) """ def __init__(self, ckt: Model, **kwargs) -> None: ckt = partial(ckt, **kwargs) if "wl" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Must specify 'wl' (wavelengths to simulate).") super().__init__(ckt, kwargs["wl"])
[docs] def add_qstate(self, qstate: QuantumState) -> None: """Add a quantum state to the simulation. Parameters ---------- qstate : QuantumState The quantum state to add. """ self.input = qstate
[docs] @staticmethod def to_unitary(s_params): """This method converts s-parameters into a unitary transform by adding vacuum ports. The original ports maintain their index while new vacuum ports will always be the last n_ports. Parameters ---------- s_params : ArrayLike s-parameters in the shape of (n_freq, n_ports, n_ports). Returns ------- unitary : Array The unitary s-parameters of the shape (n_freq, 2*n_ports, 2*n_ports). """ n_freqs, n_ports, _ = s_params.shape new_n_ports = n_ports * 2 unitary = jnp.zeros((n_freqs, new_n_ports, new_n_ports), dtype=complex) for f in range(n_freqs): unitary =[f, :n_ports, :n_ports].set(s_params[f]) unitary =[f, n_ports:, n_ports:].set(s_params[f]) for i in range(n_ports): val = jnp.sqrt( 1 - unitary[f, :n_ports, i].dot(unitary[f, :n_ports, i].conj()) ) unitary =[f, n_ports + i, i].set(val) unitary =[f, i, n_ports + i].set(-val) return unitary
[docs] def run(self) -> QuantumResult: """Run the simulation.""" ports = get_ports(self.ckt()) n_ports = len(ports) # get the unitary s-parameters of the circuit s_params = dict_to_matrix(self.ckt()) unitary = self.to_unitary(s_params) # get an array of the indices of the input ports input_indices = [ports.index(port) for port in self.input.ports] # create vacuum ports for each extra mode in the unitary matrix n_modes = unitary.shape[1] n_vacuum = n_modes - len(input_indices) self.input._add_vacuums(n_vacuum) input_indices += [i for i in range(n_modes) if i not in input_indices] self.input.to_xxpp() input_means, input_cov = self.input.modes(input_indices) transforms = [] means = [] covs = [] for wl_ind in range(len(self.wl)): s_wl = unitary[wl_ind] transform = jnp.zeros((n_modes * 2, n_modes * 2)) n = n_modes transform =[:n, :n].set(s_wl.real) transform =[:n, n:].set(-s_wl.imag) transform =[n:, :n].set(s_wl.imag) transform =[n:, n:].set(s_wl.real) output_means = transform @ input_means.T output_cov = transform @ input_cov @ transform.T # TODO: Possibly implement tolerance for small numbers # convert small numbers to zero # output_means[abs(output_means) < 1e-10] = 0 # output_cov[abs(output_cov) < 1e-10] = 0 transforms.append(transform) means.append(output_means) covs.append(output_cov) return QuantumResult( s_params=s_params, input_means=input_means, input_cov=input_cov, transforms=jnp.stack(transforms), means=jnp.stack(means), cov=jnp.stack(covs), n_ports=n_ports, wl=self.wl, )