Source code for simphony.libraries.siepic.models

# Copyright © Simphony Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see simphony/ for details)
"""SiEPIC models compatible with SAX."""

import importlib.resources
import re
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal, Union

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sax
from jax import Array
from jax.typing import ArrayLike
from scipy.constants import c as SPEED_OF_LIGHT
from tabulate import tabulate

import simphony.libraries
from simphony.plugins.lumerical import df_to_sdict, load_sparams
from simphony.utils import freq2wl, resample, wl2freq

SOURCE_DATA_PATH = "siepic/source_data"

def _resolve_source_filepath(filename: str) -> Path:
    """Gets the absolute path to the source data files relative to ``source_data/``.

    filename : str
        The name of the file to be found.

    filepath : str
        The absolute path to the file.
    filepath = Path(SOURCE_DATA_PATH) / filename
    try:  # python >= 3.9
        return importlib.resources.files(simphony.libraries) / filepath
    except AttributeError:  # fall back to method deprecated in 3.11.
        ctx = importlib.resources.path(simphony, "libraries")
        with ctx as path:
            return path / filepath

def _load_txt_cached(path: Union[Path, str]) -> np.ndarray:
    """Loads a text file from the source_data directory and caches it.

    filename : str
        The name of the file to be loaded.

    content : str
        The contents of the file.
    return np.loadtxt(path)

def _create_sdict_from_df(wl: Union[float, ArrayLike], df: pd.DataFrame) -> sax.SDict:
    """Create an s-dictionary from a dataframe of s-parameters.

    wl : float or ArrayLike
        Wavelengths to interpolate the s-parameters to (in microns).
    df : pandas.DataFrame
        A dataframe of s-parameters. Must have columns 'port_in', 'port_out',
        'freq' (in Hz), 'mag', and 'phase'.
    wl_m = jnp.array(wl).reshape(-1) * 1e-6  # meters
    f, s = df_to_sdict(df)
    new_s = resample(wl2freq(wl_m), f, s)
    return new_s

def _generate_parameter_sets(
    pattern: str,
    path: Union[str, Path],
    ext: str = "sparam",
    columns: List[str] = [],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Generate a dataframe of all valid parameter sets by parsing the
    filenames of the data files in the source directory.

    pattern : str
        Regex pattern with named fields to match filenames against.
    path : str or Path
        Path to the source directory.
    ext : str, optional
        File extension to match (default 'sparam').
    columns : list of str
        List of columns to convert to numeric types. Should be a subset of the
        named fields in the regex pattern.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        Dataframe of valid parameter sets.
    path = _resolve_source_filepath(path)

    params = []
    for file in [str( for p in path.glob(f"*.{ext}")]:
        m = re.match(pattern, file)
        if m:

    df = pd.DataFrame(params)
    for col in columns:
        df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="coerce")

    # Find out which columns have the most unique items
    unique_counts = df.nunique()
    # Sort dataframe by fewest unique items in column to most unique items
    sorted_values = unique_counts.sort_values().index.tolist()
    df = df.sort_values(by=sorted_values, ignore_index=True)
    # Rearrange columns of dataframe to go from fewest unique items to most
    sorted_df = df[sorted_values]

    return sorted_df

def _generate_parameter_table_rst(df) -> str:
    """Generate an rst (text) table of valid parameter combinations.

    Useful for adding to the docstring of various models.

    >>> df = _generate_parameter_sets()
    >>> print(_generate_parameter_table_rst(df))
    df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    return tabulate(df.values, df.columns, tablefmt="rst")

def _stringify_float(val: float, max_precision: int = 1) -> str:
    """Convert a float to a string, with a maximum precision."""
    if val == int(val):
        return str(int(val))
        return f"{val:.{max_precision}f}"

[docs]def bidirectional_coupler( wl: Union[float, ArrayLike] = 1.55, thickness: float = 220, width: float = 500, ) -> sax.SDict: """SiEPIC EBeam PDK bidirectional coupler model. A bidirectional coupler optimized for TE polarized light at 1550nm. The bidirectional coupler has 4 ports, labeled as pictured. Its efficiently splits light that is input from one port into the two outputs on the opposite side (with a corresponding pi/2 phase shift). Additionally, it efficiently interferes lights from two adjacent inputs, efficiently splitting the interfered signal between the two ports on the opposing side. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_bdc_te1550.png :alt: ebeam_bdc_te1550.png Parameters ---------- thickness : float, optional Waveguide thickness, in nanometers (default 220). Valid values are 210, 220, or 230 nanometers. width : float, optional Waveguide width, in nanometers (default 500). Valid values are 480, 500, or 520 nanometers. Notes ----- See also the PDK documentation: """ if thickness not in [210.0, 220.0, 230.0]: raise ValueError("'thickness' must be one of 210, 220, or 230") thickness = str(int(thickness)) if width not in [480.0, 500.0, 520.0]: raise ValueError("'width' must be one of 480, 500, or 520") width = str(int(width)) datafile = f"bdc_TE_source/bdc_Thickness ={thickness} width={width}.sparam" file = _resolve_source_filepath(datafile) header, data = load_sparams(file) return _create_sdict_from_df(wl, data)
[docs]def directional_coupler( wl: Union[float, ArrayLike] = 1.55, gap: float = 200, coupling_length: float = 10.0, ) -> sax.SDict: """A directional coupler optimized for TE polarized light at 1550nm. The directional coupler has 4 ports, labeled as pictured. Its efficiently splits light that is input from one port into the two outputs on the opposite side (with a corresponding pi/2 phase shift). Additionally, it efficiently interferes lights from two adjacent inputs, efficiently splitting the interfered signal between the two ports on the opposing side. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_bdc_te1550.png :alt: ebeam_bdc_te1550.png Parameters ---------- gap : float, optional Coupling gap distance, in nanometers (default 200). coupling_length : float, optional Length of coupler, in microns (default 10). Notes ----- Sorted matrix of valid parameter combinations for directional couplers: ===== ================= gap coupling_length ===== ================= 200 0 200 2.5 200 5 200 7.5 200 10 200 12.5 200 15 200 17.5 200 20 200 22.5 200 25 200 27.5 200 30 200 32.5 200 35 200 37.5 200 40 200 42.5 200 45 200 47.5 ===== ================= """ # df = self._generate_parameter_sets() # if not ((df["gap"] == gap) & (df["coupling_length"] == coupling_length)).any(): # raise ValueError( # "Invalid parameter set, see the documentation for valid parameter sets" # ) _datafile = f"ebeam_dc_te1550/dc_gap={int(gap)}nm_Lc={_stringify_float(coupling_length)}um.sparam" file = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) header, data = load_sparams(file) return _create_sdict_from_df(wl, data)
def _generate_parameter_sets_dc() -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a dataframe of all valid parameter sets by parsing the filenames of the data files in the source directory.""" return _generate_parameter_sets( r"dc_gap=(?P<gap>\d+)nm_Lc=(?P<coupling_length>\d+)um.sparam", "ebeam_dc_te1550", ext="sparam", columns=["gap", "coupling_length"], )
[docs]def half_ring( wl: Union[float, ArrayLike] = 1.55, pol: Literal["te", "tm"] = "te", gap: float = 50, radius: float = 5, width: float = 500, thickness: float = 220, coupling_length: float = 0, ) -> sax.SDict: """A half-ring resonator optimized for TE polarized light at 1550nm. The halfring has 4 ports, labeled as pictured. .. image:: /_static/images/halfring.png :alt: halfring.png Parameters ---------- pol : str, optional Polarization of the halfring. Must be either 'te' (default) or 'tm'. gap : float, optional Coupling distance between ring and straight waveguide in nanometers (default 50). radius : float, optional Ring radius in microns (default 5). width : float, optional Waveguide width in nanometers (default 500). thickness : float, optional Waveguide thickness in nanometers (default 220). coupling_length : float, optional Length of the straight segment of the directional coupling edge, turns ring into a racetrack resonator, in microns (default 0). Notes ----- Sorted matrix of valid parameter combinations for half rings: ===== ================= ======= =========== ======== ===== pol coupling_length width thickness radius gap ===== ================= ======= =========== ======== ===== te 0 480 210 3 70 te 0 480 210 3 80 te 0 480 210 3 100 te 0 480 210 3 120 te 0 480 210 5 70 te 0 480 210 5 80 te 0 480 210 5 120 te 0 480 210 10 120 te 0 480 210 10 170 te 0 480 230 3 70 te 0 480 230 3 80 te 0 480 230 3 100 te 0 480 230 3 120 te 0 480 230 5 70 te 0 480 230 5 80 te 0 480 230 5 120 te 0 480 230 10 120 te 0 480 230 10 170 te 0 500 220 3 50 te 0 500 220 3 60 te 0 500 220 3 80 te 0 500 220 3 100 te 0 500 220 5 50 te 0 500 220 5 60 te 0 500 220 5 100 te 0 500 220 10 100 te 0 500 220 10 150 te 0 500 220 18 200 te 0 520 210 3 30 te 0 520 210 3 40 te 0 520 210 3 60 te 0 520 210 3 80 te 0 520 210 5 30 te 0 520 210 5 40 te 0 520 210 5 80 te 0 520 210 10 80 te 0 520 210 10 130 te 0 520 230 3 30 te 0 520 230 3 40 te 0 520 230 3 60 te 0 520 230 3 80 te 0 520 230 5 30 te 0 520 230 5 40 te 0 520 230 5 80 te 0 520 230 10 80 te 0 520 230 10 130 te 4 500 220 10 200 tm 0 480 210 5 320 tm 0 480 230 5 320 tm 0 500 220 5 300 tm 0 520 210 5 280 tm 0 520 230 5 280 ===== ================= ======= =========== ======== ===== """ if pol not in ["te", "tm"]: raise ValueError("'pol' must be one of 'te' or 'tm'") # df = self._generate_parameter_sets() # if not ( # (df["pol"] == pol) # & (df["gap"] == gap) # & (df["radius"] == radius) # & (df["width"] == width) # & (df["thickness"] == thickness) # & (df["coupling_length"] == coupling_length) # ).any(): # raise ValueError( # "Invalid parameter set, see the documentation for valid parameter sets" # ) # # (df == a).all(1).any() _datafile = f"ebeam_dc_halfring_straight/{pol}_ebeam_dc_halfring_straight_gap={int(gap)}nm_radius={int(radius)}um_width={int(width)}nm_thickness={int(thickness)}nm_CoupleLength={int(coupling_length)}um.dat" file = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) header, data = load_sparams(file) return _create_sdict_from_df(wl, data)
def _generate_parameter_sets_half_ring() -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a dataframe of all valid parameter sets by parsing the filenames of the data files in the source directory.""" return _generate_parameter_sets( r"(?P<pol>[a-z]+)_ebeam_dc_halfring_straight_gap=(?P<gap>\d+)nm_radius=(?P<radius>\d+)um_width=(?P<width>\d+)nm_thickness=(?P<thickness>\d+)nm_CoupleLength=(?P<coupling_length>\d+)um.dat" "ebeam_dc_halfring_straight", ext="dat", columns=["gap", "radius", "width", "thickness", "coupling_length"], )
[docs]def taper( wl: Union[float, ArrayLike] = 1.55, w1: float = 0.5, w2: float = 1.0, length: float = 10.0, ) -> sax.SDict: """A taper component that adiabatically transitions between two waveguide widths. This taper is simulated for TE operation at 1550 nanometers. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_taper_te1550.png :alt: ebeam_taper_te1550.png Parameters ---------- w1 : float, optional Width of the input waveguide in microns (default 0.5). w2 : float, optional Width of the output waveguide in microns (default 1). length : float, optional Length of the taper in microns (default 10). Notes ----- Sorted matrix of valid parameter combinations for adiabatic tapers: ==== ==== ======== w1 w2 length ==== ==== ======== 0.4 1 1 0.4 1 2 0.4 1 3 0.4 1 4 0.4 1 5 0.4 1 6 0.4 1 7 0.4 1 8 0.4 1 9 0.4 1 10 0.4 1 11 0.4 1 12 0.4 1 13 0.4 1 14 0.4 1 15 0.4 1 16 0.4 1 17 0.4 1 18 0.4 1 19 0.4 1 20 0.4 2 1 0.4 2 2 0.4 2 3 0.4 2 4 0.4 2 5 0.4 2 6 0.4 2 7 0.4 2 8 0.4 2 9 0.4 2 10 0.4 2 11 0.4 2 12 0.4 2 13 0.4 2 14 0.4 2 15 0.4 2 16 0.4 2 17 0.4 2 18 0.4 2 19 0.4 2 20 0.4 3 1 0.4 3 2 0.4 3 3 0.4 3 4 0.4 3 5 0.4 3 6 0.4 3 7 0.4 3 8 0.4 3 9 0.4 3 10 0.4 3 11 0.4 3 12 0.4 3 13 0.4 3 14 0.4 3 15 0.4 3 16 0.4 3 17 0.4 3 18 0.4 3 19 0.4 3 20 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 3 0.5 1 4 0.5 1 5 0.5 1 6 0.5 1 7 0.5 1 8 0.5 1 9 0.5 1 10 0.5 1 11 0.5 1 12 0.5 1 13 0.5 1 14 0.5 1 15 0.5 1 16 0.5 1 17 0.5 1 18 0.5 1 19 0.5 1 20 0.5 2 1 0.5 2 2 0.5 2 3 0.5 2 4 0.5 2 5 0.5 2 6 0.5 2 7 0.5 2 8 0.5 2 9 0.5 2 10 0.5 2 11 0.5 2 12 0.5 2 13 0.5 2 14 0.5 2 15 0.5 2 16 0.5 2 17 0.5 2 18 0.5 2 19 0.5 2 20 0.5 3 1 0.5 3 2 0.5 3 3 0.5 3 4 0.5 3 5 0.5 3 6 0.5 3 7 0.5 3 8 0.5 3 9 0.5 3 10 0.5 3 11 0.5 3 12 0.5 3 13 0.5 3 14 0.5 3 15 0.5 3 16 0.5 3 17 0.5 3 18 0.5 3 19 0.5 3 20 0.6 1 1 0.6 1 2 0.6 1 3 0.6 1 4 0.6 1 5 0.6 1 6 0.6 1 7 0.6 1 8 0.6 1 9 0.6 1 10 0.6 1 11 0.6 1 12 0.6 1 13 0.6 1 14 0.6 1 15 0.6 1 16 0.6 1 17 0.6 1 18 0.6 1 19 0.6 1 20 0.6 2 1 0.6 2 2 0.6 2 3 0.6 2 4 0.6 2 5 0.6 2 6 0.6 2 7 0.6 2 8 0.6 2 9 0.6 2 10 0.6 2 11 0.6 2 12 0.6 2 13 0.6 2 14 0.6 2 15 0.6 2 16 0.6 2 17 0.6 2 18 0.6 2 19 0.6 2 20 0.6 3 1 0.6 3 2 0.6 3 3 0.6 3 4 0.6 3 5 0.6 3 6 0.6 3 7 0.6 3 8 0.6 3 9 0.6 3 10 0.6 3 11 0.6 3 12 0.6 3 13 0.6 3 14 0.6 3 15 0.6 3 16 0.6 3 17 0.6 3 18 0.6 3 19 0.6 3 20 ==== ==== ======== """ # df = self._generate_parameter_sets() # if not ((df["w1"] == w1) & (df["w2"] == w2) & (df["length"] == length)).any(): # raise ValueError( # "Invalid parameter set, see the documentation for valid parameter sets" # ) _datafile = ( f"ebeam_taper_te1550/w1={w1:.1f}um_w2={int(w2)}um_length={int(length)}um.dat" ) path = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) arr = _load_txt_cached(path) f = arr[:, 0] wl_samp = freq2wl(f) # meters wl_des = jnp.asarray(wl).reshape(-1) * 1e-6 # meters s11 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 1] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 2])) s12 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 3] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 4])) s21 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 5] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 6])) s22 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 7] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 8])) sdict = { ("o0", "o0"): s11, ("o0", "o1"): s12, ("o1", "o0"): s21, ("o1", "o1"): s22, } return sdict
def _generate_parameter_sets_taper() -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a dataframe of all valid parameter sets by parsing the filenames of the data files in the source directory.""" return _generate_parameter_sets( r"w1=(?P<w1>\d+\.\d+)um_w2=(?P<w2>\d+)um_length=(?P<length>\d+)um.dat" "ebeam_taper_te1550", ext="dat", columns=["w1", "w2", "length"], )
[docs]def terminator( wl: Union[float, ArrayLike] = 1.55, pol: Literal["te", "tm"] = "te", ) -> sax.SDict: """A terminator component that dissipates light into free space optimized for TE polarized light at 1550 nanometers. The terminator dissipates excess light into free space. If you have a path where the light doesn't need to be measured but you don't want it reflecting back into the circuit, you can use a terminator to release it from the circuit. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_terminator_te1550.png :alt: ebeam_bdc_te1550.png Parameters ---------- pol : str, optional Polarization of the grating coupler. Must be either 'te' (default) or 'tm'. """ if pol not in ["te", "tm"]: raise ValueError("'pol' must be one of 'te' or 'tm'") if pol == "te": _datafile = "ebeam_terminator_te1550/nanotaper_w1=500,w2=60,L=10_TE.sparam" else: _datafile = "ebeam_terminator_tm1550/nanotaper_w1=500,w2=60,L=10_TM.sparam" file = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) header, data = load_sparams(file) return _create_sdict_from_df(wl, data)
[docs]def grating_coupler( wl: Union[float, Array] = 1.55, pol: Literal["te", "tm"] = "te", thickness: float = 220.0, dwidth: float = 0, ) -> sax.SDict: """SiEPIC EBeam PDK grating coupler optimized for TE polarizations at 1550nm. The grating coupler efficiently couples light from a fiber array positioned above the chip into the circuit. For the TE mode, the angle is -25 degrees [needs citation]. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_gc_te1550.png :alt: ebeam_bdc_te1550.png Parameters ---------- wl : float or Array The wavelengths to evaluate at in microns. pol : {"te", "tm"} Polarization of the input/output modes. thickness : {210.0, 220.0, 230.0} Thickness of the grating coupler silicon in nm. Useful for simulating manufacturing variability. dwidth : {-20.0, 0.0, 20.0} Change in width from nominal of the gratings. Representative of manufacturing variability. Must be one of -20, 0, or 20. Raises ------ ValueError If `pol` is not 'te' or 'tm'. ValueError If `thickness` is not one of 210, 220, or 230. ValueError If `dwidth` is not one of -20, 0, or 20. Notes ----- See also the PDK documentation: """ if pol not in ["te", "tm"]: raise ValueError("'pol' must be either 'te' or 'tm'") pol = pol.upper() if thickness not in [210.0, 220.0, 230.0]: raise ValueError("'thickness' must be one of 210.0, 220.0, or 230.0") thickness = str(int(thickness)) if dwidth not in [-20.0, 0.0, 20.0]: raise ValueError("'dwidth' must be one of -20, 0, or 20") dwidth = str(int(dwidth)) _datafile = f"gc_source/GC_{pol}1550_thickness={thickness} deltaw={dwidth}.txt" path = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) arr = _load_txt_cached(path) f = arr[:, 0] wl_samp = freq2wl(f) # meters wl_des = jnp.asarray(wl).reshape(-1) * 1e-6 # meters s11 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 1] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 2])) s12 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 3] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 4])) s21 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 5] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 6])) s22 = jnp.interp(wl_des, wl_samp, arr[:, 7] * jnp.exp(1j * arr[:, 8])) sdict = { ("o0", "o0"): s11, ("o0", "o1"): s12, ("o1", "o0"): s21, ("o1", "o1"): s22, } return sdict
[docs]def waveguide( wl: Union[float, Array] = 1.55, pol: Literal["te", "tm"] = "te", length: float = 0.0, width: float = 500.0, height: float = 220.0, loss: float = 0.0, ) -> sax.SDict: """Model for an waveguide optimized for TE polarized light at 1550 nanometers. A waveguide easily connects other optical components within a circuit. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_wg_integral_1550.png :alt: ebeam_bdc_te1550.png Parameters ---------- pol : str, optional Polarization of the grating coupler. Must be either 'te' (default) or 'tm'. length : float, optional Waveguide length in microns (default 0). width : float, optional Waveguide width in nanometers (default 500). height : float, optional Waveguide height in nanometers (default 220). loss : float, optional Loss of the waveguide in dB/cm (default 0). sigma_ne : float, optional Standard deviation of the effective index for monte carlo simulations (default 0.05). sigma_ng : float, optional Standard deviation of the group velocity for monte carlo simulations (default 0.05). sigma_nd : float, optional Standard deviation of the group dispersion for monte carlo simulations (default 0.0001). Notes ----- The `sigma_` values in the parameters are used for monte carlo simulations. Sorted matrix of valid parameter combinations for waveguides: ======== ======= height width ======== ======= 210 400 210 420 210 440 210 460 210 480 210 500 210 520 210 540 210 560 210 580 210 600 210 640 210 680 210 720 210 760 210 800 210 840 210 880 210 920 210 960 210 1000 210 1040 210 1080 210 1120 210 1160 210 1200 210 1240 210 1280 210 1320 210 1360 210 1400 210 1500 210 1600 210 1700 210 1800 210 1900 210 2000 210 2100 210 2200 210 2300 210 2400 210 2500 210 2600 210 2700 210 2800 210 2900 210 3000 210 3100 210 3200 210 3300 210 3400 210 3500 220 400 220 420 220 440 220 460 220 480 220 500 220 520 220 540 220 560 220 580 220 600 220 640 220 680 220 720 220 760 220 800 220 840 220 880 220 920 220 960 220 1000 220 1040 220 1080 220 1120 220 1160 220 1200 220 1240 220 1280 220 1320 220 1360 220 1400 220 1500 220 1600 220 1700 220 1800 220 1900 220 2000 220 2100 220 2200 220 2300 220 2400 220 2500 220 2600 220 2700 220 2800 220 2900 220 3000 220 3100 220 3200 220 3300 220 3400 220 3500 230 400 230 420 230 440 230 460 230 480 230 500 230 520 230 540 230 560 230 580 230 600 230 640 230 680 230 720 230 760 230 800 230 840 230 880 230 920 230 960 230 1000 230 1040 230 1080 230 1120 230 1160 230 1200 230 1240 230 1280 230 1320 230 1360 230 1400 230 1500 230 1600 230 1700 230 1800 230 1900 230 2000 230 2100 230 2200 230 2300 230 2400 230 2500 230 2600 230 2700 230 2800 230 2900 230 3000 230 3100 230 3200 230 3300 230 3400 230 3500 ======== ======= """ if pol not in ["te", "tm"]: raise ValueError("Invalid polarization, must be either 'te' or 'tm'") width, height = int(width), int(height) # df = self._generate_parameter_sets() # if not ((df["width"] == width) & (df["height"] == height)).any(): # raise ValueError( # "Invalid parameter set, see the documentation for valid parameter sets" # ) _datafile = f"wg_integral_source/WaveGuideTETMStrip,w={width},h={height}.txt" # Load data file, extract coefficients path = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) arr = _load_txt_cached(path) if pol == "te": lam0, ne, _, ng, _, nd, _ = arr else: # tm lam0, _, ne, _, ng, _, nd = arr wl_m = jnp.asarray(wl).reshape(-1) * 1e-6 # convert microns to meters freqs = wl2freq(wl_m) # convert wavelengths to freqs length_m = length * 1e-6 # convert microns to meters loss = loss * 100 # convert loss from dB/cm to dB/m alpha = loss / (20 * jnp.log10(jnp.exp(1))) # convert loss to m^-1 omega = 2 * jnp.pi * jnp.asarray(freqs) # get angular freqs from freqs omega0 = (2 * jnp.pi * SPEED_OF_LIGHT) / lam0 # center freqs (angular) # calculation of K K = ( 2 * jnp.pi * ne / lam0 + (ng / SPEED_OF_LIGHT) * (omega - omega0) - (nd * lam0**2 / (4 * jnp.pi * SPEED_OF_LIGHT)) * ((omega - omega0) ** 2) ) sdict = { ("o0", "o0"): jnp.zeros(wl_m.shape, dtype=np.complex128), ("o0", "o1"): jnp.exp(-alpha * length_m + (1j * K * length_m)), ("o1", "o0"): jnp.exp(-alpha * length_m + (1j * K * length_m)), ("o1", "o1"): jnp.zeros(wl_m.shape, dtype=np.complex128), } return sdict
def _generate_parameter_sets_waveguide() -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a dataframe of all valid parameter sets by parsing the filenames of the data files in the source directory.""" return _generate_parameter_sets( r"WaveGuideTETMStrip,w=(?P<width>\d+),h=(?P<height>\d+).txt", "wg_integral_source", ext="txt", columns=["width", "height"], )
[docs]def y_branch( wl: Union[float, Array] = 1.55, pol: Literal["te", "tm"] = "te", thickness: float = 220.0, width: float = 500.0, ) -> sax.SDict: """SiEPIC EBeam PDK Y-branch model. A y-branch efficiently splits the input 50/50 between the two outputs. It can also be used as a combiner if used in the opposite direction, combining and interfering the light from two inputs into the one output. .. image:: /_static/images/ebeam_y_1550.png :alt: ebeam_bdc_te1550.png Parameters ---------- pol : str, optional Polarization of the y-branch. Must be either 'te' (default) or 'tm'. thickness : float, optional Waveguide thickness, in nanometers (default 220). Valid values are 210, 220, or 230 nanometers. Useful for simulating manufacturing variability. width : float, optional Waveguide width, in nanometers (default 500 nanometers). Valid values are 480, 500, or 520 nanometers. Notes ----- See also the PDK documentation: """ if pol not in ["te", "tm"]: raise ValueError("'pol' must be one of 'te' or 'tm'") if thickness not in [210.0, 220.0, 230.0]: raise ValueError("'thickness' must be one of 210, 220, or 230") thickness = str(int(thickness)) if width not in [480.0, 500.0, 520.0]: raise ValueError("'width' must be one of 480, 500, or 520") width = str(int(width)) _datafile = f"y_branch_source/Ybranch_Thickness ={thickness} width={width}.sparam" file = _resolve_source_filepath(_datafile) header, data = load_sparams(file) _POL_MAPPING = {"te": 1, "tm": 2} MODE_ID = _POL_MAPPING[pol] data = data[data.mode_out == MODE_ID] return _create_sdict_from_df(wl, data)