Source code for simphony.classical

"""Module for classical simulation."""
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, List, Union

import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sax
from jax.typing import ArrayLike
from sax.saxtypes import Model

from simphony.simulation import SimDevice, Simulation, SimulationResult

[docs]class Laser(SimDevice): """Ideal laser source. Parameters ---------- ports : str or list of str The ports to which the laser is connected. power : float, optional The power of the laser (in mW), by default 1.0 phase : float, optional The phase of the laser (in radians), by default 0.0 mod_function : Callable, optional The modulation function, by default None. """ def __init__( self, ports: Union[str, List[str]], power: float = 1.0, phase: float = 0.0, mod_function=None, ) -> None: super().__init__(list(ports)) self.power = power self.phase = phase # TODO: Implement mod_function self.mod_function = mod_function
[docs]class Detector(SimDevice): """Ideal photodetector. Attributes ---------- wl : jnp.ndarray The wavelengths at which the detector was simulated. power : jnp.ndarray The power at each wavelength. Parameters ---------- port : str The port to which the detector is connected. responsivity : float, optional The responsivity of the detector (in A/W), by default 1.0 """ def __init__(self, port: str, responsivity: float = 1.0) -> None: super().__init__(list(port)) if responsivity != 1.0: warnings.warn("Responsivity is not yet implemented, so it is ignored.") self.responsivity = responsivity
[docs] def set_result(self, wl: ArrayLike, power: ArrayLike) -> None: """Set the result of the detector. Parameters ---------- wl : ArrayLike The wavelengths at which the detector was simulated. power : ArrayLike The power at each wavelength. """ self.wl = wl self.power = power
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot the detector response. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes on which to plot, by default None (create new axes). **kwargs Any other keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(self.wl, self.power, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength (um)") ax.set_ylabel("Power (mW)") return ax
[docs]@dataclass class ClassicalResult(SimulationResult): """Classical simulation results. Attributes ---------- wl : jnp.ndarray The wavelengths at which the simulation was run. sdict : sax.SDict The S-parameters of the circuit. detectors : list[Detector] The detectors and their measurements from the simulation. They are indexed in the same order as both ``s_params`` and ``output``. """ # TODO: Add a function to convert the sdict to a matrix and easily get # port ordering. wl: ArrayLike sdict: sax.SDict detectors: list[Detector]
[docs]class ClassicalSim(Simulation): """Classical simulation.""" def __init__(self, ckt: Model, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize the classical simulation. Parameters ---------- ckt : sax.saxtypes.Model The circuit to simulate. wl : ArrayLike The array of wavelengths to simulate (in microns). **params Any other parameters to pass to the circuit. Examples -------- >>> sim = ClassicalSim(ckt=mzi, wl=wl, top={"length": 150.0}, bottom={"length": 50.0}) """ # TODO: Add shot noise option to classical simulation ckt = partial(ckt, **kwargs) if "wl" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Must specify 'wl' (wavelengths to simulate).") super().__init__(ckt, kwargs["wl"]) self.lasers: dict[str, Laser] = {} self.detectors: dict[str, Detector] = {}
[docs] def add_laser( self, ports: Union[str, List[str]], power: float = 1.0, phase: float = 0.0, mod_function: Callable = None, ) -> Laser: """Add an ideal laser source. If multiple ports are specified, the same laser will be connected to all of them. Parameters ---------- ports : OPort or list of OPort The ports to which the laser is connected. power : float, optional The power of the laser (in mW), by default 1.0 phase : float, optional The phase of the laser (in radians), by default 0.0 mod_function : Callable, optional The modulation function, by default None (not yet implemented). Returns ------- Laser The created laser. Examples -------- >>> laser = sim.add_laser(ports=["in"], power=1.0) """ ports = [ports] if not isinstance(ports, list) else ports laser = Laser(ports, power, phase, mod_function) for port in ports: self.lasers[port] = laser return laser
[docs] def add_detector( self, ports: Union[str, List[str]], responsivity: float = 1.0 ) -> List[Detector]: """Add an ideal photodetector. If multiple ports are specified, multiple detectors will be created and returned. Parameters ---------- ports : OPort or list of OPort The ports to which the detector is connected. responsivity : float, optional The responsivity of the detector (in A/W), by default 1.0 Returns ------- list of Detector A list of the created detector(s) (potentially a list of length 1). Examples -------- >>> detector = sim.add_detector(ports=["out"], responsivity=0.8) """ ports = [ports] if not isinstance(ports, list) else ports detectors = [] for port in ports: detector = Detector(port, responsivity) self.detectors[port] = detector detectors.append(detector) return detectors
[docs] def run(self) -> ClassicalResult: """Run the classical simulation. Returns ------- ClassicalResult The simulation results. """ S = self.ckt() sdict = {} for output_port in self.detectors: responses = [] for input_port in self.lasers: signal = jnp.sqrt(self.lasers[input_port].power) * jnp.exp( 1j * self.lasers[input_port].phase ) responses.append(S[output_port, input_port] * signal) sdict[output_port] = jnp.sum(jnp.asarray(responses), axis=0) # # Create input vector from all lasers # src_v = jnp.zeros((len(self.wl), len(ports)), dtype=jnp.complex64) # for laser, ports in self.lasers.items(): # idx = [self.ckt._oports.index(port) for port in ports] # if laser.mod_function is None: # src_v =[:, idx].set(jnp.sqrt(laser.power) * jnp.exp(1j * laser.phase)) # else: # raise NotImplementedError # # src_v =[:,idx].set(laser.mod_function(self.wl) * jnp.sqrt(laser.power)) for port, detector in self.detectors.items(): power = (jnp.abs(sdict[port]) ** 2) * detector.responsivity detector.set_result(wl=self.wl, power=power) result = ClassicalResult( wl=self.wl, sdict=sdict, detectors=self.detectors, ) return result
# class MonteCarloSim(Simulation): # """Monte Carlo simulation.""" # def __init__(self, ckt: Circuit, wl: jnp.ndarray) -> None: # super().__init__(ckt, wl) # class LayoutAwareSim(Simulation): # """Layout-aware simulation.""" # def __init__(self, cir: Circuit, wl: jnp.ndarray) -> None: # super().__init__(cir, wl) # class SamplingSim(Simulation): # """Sampling simulation.""" # def __init__(self, ckt: Circuit, wl: jnp.ndarray) -> None: # super().__init__(ckt, wl) # class TimeDomainSim(Simulation): # """Time-domain simulation.""" # def __init__(self, ckt: Circuit, wl: jnp.ndarray) -> None: # super().__init__(ckt, wl)